Allergen Component Panels

Allergen Component Panel

Allergen component testing can help determine which components, or smaller proteins/peptides within the larger whole food protein, could be causing an allergic reaction. Some individuals may react to a component, but not to the whole food protein, and vice-versa. To get a complete picture of allergic reactions, assess allergen components along with whole allergens.

Available Components

  • Brazil nut (1 IgE): rBer e 1
  • Cashew nut (1 IgE): rAna o 3
  • Celery (1 IgE): rApi g 1.01
  • Cod (1 IgE): rGad c
  • Cow’s milk (3 IgE): nBos d 4, nBos d 5, nBos d 8
  • Egg (3 IgE): Ovomucoid Gal d 1 / f 233, Ovalbumin Gal d 2 / f 232, egg white f 1
  • Gliadin, Wheat (1 IgE): rTri a 19
  • Hazel nut (4 IgE): rCor a 1, rCor a 8 r, nCor a 9, Cor a 14
  • Peach (3 IgE): rPru p 1, rPru p 3, rPru p 4
  • Peanut (8 IgE): rAra h 1, rAra h 2, rAra h 3, rAra h 6, rAra h 8, rAra h 9, CCD MUXF3, Bet v2
  • Shrimp (1 IgE): rPen a 1
  • Soy (3 IgE): rGly m 4, nGly m 5, nGly m 6
  • Walnut (2 IgE): rJug r 1, rJug r 3
  • Egg (1 IgE): nGal d 4
  • Papaya (1 IgE): nCar p 1
  • Alpha-amylase (1 IgE): nAsp o 21
  • Aspergillus fumigatus (2 IgE): rAsp f 3, Asp f 4
  • Alternaria alternata (1 IgE): rAlt a 1
Tree Pollens+-
  • Birch (4 IgE): rBet v 1, rBet v 2, rBet v 4, rBet v 6
  • Olive (3 IgE): rOle e 1, nOle e 7, rOle e 9,
Grass Pollens+-
  • Bermuda grass (1 IgE): nCyn d 1
  • Timothy grass (6 IgE): rPhl p 1, rPhl p 2, rPhl p 5b, rPhl p 6, rPhl p 7, rPhl p 12
Weed Pollens+-
  • Mugwort (2 IgE): nArt v 1, nArt v 3
Epidermal & Animal Proteins+-
  • Cow (1 IgE): nBos d 6
  • Cat (4 IgE) : rFel d 1, nFel d 2, rFel d 4, rFel d 7
  • Dog (6 IgE): rCan f 1, rCan f 2, rCan f 3, nCan f 4, nCan f 5, nCan f 6
  • Horse (1 IgE): rEqu c 1
  • House dust mite (3 IgE): rDer p 2, rDer p 10, rDer p 1

Specimen Requirements

Serum: 1 mL per panel


The benefits of allergen component testing:

  • Helps providers asses the risk of an allergic reaction
  • Helps providers guide dietary modifications
  • Improves management of allergen
  • Results of test will give provider more information that will determine an optimal treatment plan